Monday, May 21, 2012

Taiwan wedding pictures phase 6: before and after

I found more evidence that Taiwanese people are pretty into changing their looks and go to even more extremes than digital touch ups. (They probably uglified those kids to make the ad work!)

"The only thing you have to worry about after plastic surgery is the explaining you'll have to do to your children"

It's amazing what photoshop can do. I mean we all know the celebrity airbrushed photos on magazine covers aren't real, no one really looks like that. Except Ms Spears of course.

So what could the magic of touch ups do to normal looking people. Luckily we got the normal and the touched up pictures.

AAAAhhahahAhhahahahhahahah. Oh that's sad. Even my neck...awww. lame.

it's not that funny
Seriously though, this is pretty embarrassing. But I can still laugh, this is the Taiwan ideal bride to be I guess. I wonder if I had gotten these done in the states if the same changes would have been made. This is pretty awesome though, why waste time on the gym when I can save the money and pay the photographer to spruce up any folds, or rolls. Or chins.

At least we got what we paid for, looking awesome in our pictures.


  1. Hey you and chi looked awesome very unique shots. And you looked very beautiful in the wedding dress. I have some ideas I wanted to share with you but I can't find your pin board. Well I am eager for you to get back! When are you coming

    1. how do you find my pinboard? and how do you pin stuff to it?


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