Wednesday, September 5, 2012

oh, snap ya'll I just won!

Guess what, I won a Haiku Monday! From this dude's blog! What a surprise (or total accident). I need a freaking trophy. One that would look like this: 

As I left the last of my talent on squeezing out one awesome haiku (as deemed by others) and few crap ones (as deemed by me, because who wants to hear about chicken feet) I shall suck down some inspiration celebrate with a much needed Margarita. As the chosen one, it falls to me to chose the next topic and judge for the upcoming week. What a responsibility...
Holy cocktail onion Batman! I just thought of a theme for next week. 

Happy Hour ya'll! Anyone with a  libation/relaxation/free cover charge/cocktail related haiku will be welcome. So I hear the rules are as follows: 
Write a haiku, leave it in the comments. 5-7-5 syllable format. Utterly awesome if you use kigo and kiru like a real badass haiku writer.
Write as many as you'd like and choose 2 you think are great enough to capture the hearts and attention of myself (and probably my parents too). 
Include a link to your blog with visuals if you'd like, that would please me but not necessary.
You have until Monday 9/10 at 4 (or around there) in the afternoon Pacific time. 

This was quite helpful for the rules and basics of haiku writing. 

This is my first time so I might overlook things like counting syllables and all that but I'll totally do my best. Thanks again every one who gives it a try and for giving me a chance to do this. And go!


  1. Make sure you post the haiku winner plaque that's on my blog so people know you're a winner!

  2. congrats and i'm in for the game again oh and i'm stalking you now cause i'm a fan and all may even ask for an autograph soon

  3. Armor piercing looks
    incapacitates my brain.
    Is this my tenth beer?

    visual up

    1. Yikes! That is one scary visual!


  4. six to nine time
    drinks are half price for now
    gimme jack daniels


  5. Greetings Deny,

    As you will see when you host, your theme takes on a life of its own once thrown to this crowd. My first offering may demonstrate, Grins already took off in an unexpected direction with that visual-yeek!. This one does speak to where your invitation refers to /relaxation/ but is perhaps a long way off from what you thought you said. Heh, heh.

    Birder’s Happy Hour”

    Dawn’s peaceful graying
    coaxes forth trills that then swell…
    spring cacophony.

    Visual (and a little learning) at

    And my second for the week…obviously I don’t hang out in bars much.

    High Altitude Happy Hour

    High mountain sunset,
    fizzy wine with grouseberries…
    it gets no better!

    Visual at

    Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get a flood early, they usually pour in faster on the official Haiku Monday. (Most of the time we have a midnight PDT deadline to accommodate the different time zones everyone plays from.)

    Hope you have fun with this. Judging as host can be tough. Good luck all.


    1. You are so right. Midnight is the new deadline because I'm an idiot and usually the only people in my own time zone (my dad and sister) read my blog. Hooray to extending deadlines!

  6. Tub full of bubbly,
    aroma therapy foam.
    My happiest hour.

  7. Congrats on the win! =)
    I really like the theme and I hope to be back here with a submission or 2 sometime by Monday! lol

    Grins, you already made me snort coffee with your 'stunning' visual! ;D

    Good luck everyone!

  8. Good afternoon Deny,

    Congratulations on your win! Grins is right, you should get your badge and post it. It's an honor well earned.

    I have two to start:

    A smooth summer ale
    Hits the spot. Your companion.
    Makes the hour happy.

    The hour matters not
    Sun's over the yardarm
    Somewhere in the world

    1. oh, I love it when I learn new words (yes, I totally had to look up yardarm) Let's hope I can use it in Scrabble. And that first haiku really does hit the spot!

  9. If you go to Grin's blog and right click on the gold haiku winner picture, you should get the choice to "save as". You can then save it to your hard drive in the location of your choice. From there, you should be able to post it here - if you want the "offical" trophy.

  10. In place of visual, I have rhyme and wordplay. :)

    Happy hour is when
    Downing to get high; and then
    Rise to low again.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Congratulations, Deny! Very impressive to win your first time!

    Here is my entry: Happy Hour?

    After work cocktails.
    My secret crush downs red wine;
    leaves with the waitress.

    1. LOL!
      One day I am coming to the City just to watch you do stand up.
      Soooooooooooooooooo funny.

    2. Ohhhh Fishy...stop!! And thank you! I have two words: true story. Csar was probably there.

    3. What a sad tale of lost romance! :)

  13. Mine are up:


    Wagging, whirling dog
    Beats a message with her tail
    Signals Happy Hour.

    Daylight Savings Time

    One hour of time lost
    Stolen by Spring's Stealthy Grip
    Fall returns to me.

    1. IR: If you have a dog, That imagery is hard to beat without the pics.

  14. here are my entries and stop by in the morning to see visual if you want

    giggles bubble forth
    smell of jasmine in the air
    umbrellas come free

    drinks make you fuzzy
    unknown faces haunt your dream
    awaken damaged

  15. Drunks globally know:
    Local time is meaningless.
    Five o'clock somewhere.

  16. First morning cuppa,
    Hot tea with cream and sugar.
    Damn! Spill'd my happy.

  17. Nothing bad happens
    that a few drinks can't make worse.
    Make mine a root beer.

  18. DenyItAll?

    I tried that once, but the pud'n was clearly in the bed sheets and deaf ears were quickly followed by a box of tissues tossed my way. (followed by a smirk as Mom turned and left the room) RATS!!! :(

    Anywho...I have a few for yore review:

    Jack his only friend
    Sorrows drowned in happy hour
    Or 'till bottoms UP

    Cheap drinks reel 'em in
    Buxom broads serve flesh and booze
    Wad is quickly spent

    After long day's work
    Shirley Temple just won't do
    Margarita ROCKS

    Good luck judging...thar's some real winners lying atop my tad bit of trash--


  19. I have chosen a winner!

  20. Super great job hosting and judging.

    1. Thank you so much, and thanks for the chance to join this awesome group of people.

  21. This whole idea made me laugh and your self made trophy is the best. I especially love that you added it to your sidebar with the "Because I can" caption. Perfect!

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