Monday, December 26, 2011

putty time

Every year I get silly putty for Christmas but instead of having an enormous mound of the stuff I seem to magically run out of it by December. Imagine that. 

Inspired by Christmas, a blog post, and cocktails here's the story of how silly putty all got started.

 GE scientist James Wright in an effort to invent a synthetic rubber came up with something pretty amazing. A non-Newtonian fluid that could bounce. Pretty soon he realized this was not the answer to rubber nor could anyone find a use for his pretty much useless invention. 

Fast forward to best cocktail party ever (excluding the bloggess dinner party which might in some alternate universe has already happened) 

Ad exec and amateur magician (not really) Peter Hodgson decides to run with it... and convinces toy shop owner Ruth Fallgatter to sell what will be known henceforth as the thing going to become Silly Putty. 

Following his gut Mr. Hodgson takes the logical next step, he buys more of the original and then makes millions of copies for his friends to buy on the cheap. 

In this case he hires chemists to derive the formula James Wright stumbled on, gets into manufacturing and distributing through his own company and starts peddling that putty!

Kids love, adults love it until kids get it on the carpet/ the dog eats it/their favorite section in the newspaper has been puttied so many times it's illegible.

and it looks like gum, and its a pain in the butt to get out of the carpet.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Kindle Fire - exactly what I think i want

Kindle Fire - Full Color 7" Multi-Touch Display with Wi-Fi - More than a Tablet:

I'm trying to justify why this would make an awesome holiday gift from myself to myself. But when would I ever use it?

A: all the time just for the hell of it, to show people that it's not an ipad

Sure, but what would I do with it? I mean I already have an mp3 player, a normal Kindle, and a tv.

A: download free graphic novels, watch old Southpark episodes

Ok but it doesn't have 3g so it's not like I can check email or play a game, so is it really worth it?

A: well, people have ipad's don't they? I mean aren't those just as pointless? And Amazon has streaming shows, netflix, hulu and that cloud thing where I can keep all my stuff.

Yes, but none of that works in Taiwan.

A: lame.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

you wish you did it too

I guess at 2AM on 11/22 I had something on my mind that just couldn't wait so I wrote it down somewhere and found it today! hooray!

Sometimes I put on a show for the people I imagine have a telescope pointed at my window. Mostly it involves my leaving the shower naked to find a towel . But sometimes I'll treat the peeping toms to 'walking like an eygpytian' all over the place.
If  you have known me for years and you think I'm not the kind of person who does that sort of thing then I say to you, 'Hell no, I don't do that crap. Not in public, and certainly not for free. And I dare you to call me a liar!'

And when you do, then I'll say that you had better point your telescope at the heavenly bodies it was intended for.
PS Does it make it any weirder that it's my kitchen window? Because it probably should!


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