Friday, January 21, 2011

i need a new hobby

my hobbies now include:

tormenting the baby hamster
eating sees candies slowly, to make them last
watching reruns
counting calories to see how much I go over my 'goal'

 oh yeah, and I dyed my hair....

so that's all I've been up to. 

I'll post later as to why I haven't been reading anything. Its a sad story with a happy ending.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


a few near years resolutions that i will strongly think about keeping for the next month or they are documented online and I can't escape them. But I'll certainly try.

1. have A glass of wine with dinner once a week

thats a big glass

2. wear sunscreen everyday

3. get through a book a week
audio books count too

4. watch more old movies

5. start practicing Chinese again

6. blog more often, like try and do one a week.

7. write some letters. snail mail is nice to get sometimes

8. update resume...


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